Pilates is a system of exercises designed in the early 1900s by a man named Joseph Pilates. It began in Germany, and has gained steady popularity in the U.S. over the last century. We use machines at Roots Down called ‘Reformers’ and ‘Towers’ that are modeled after the ones in Joseph Pilates’ famous New York Studio. The machines are brilliantly designed, and allow us to find deeper connective movement.

Pilates creates balance and ease in the body.

When we exercise, we often work one muscle group at a time, overworking some muscles and neglecting others. These muscular imbalances contribute to many injuries. Pilates restores balance to the body by emphasizing full-body integration and muscular coordination.

Pilates tones the small, stabilizing muscles along the spine and the deep core muscles in the abdomen. By creating long, lean musculature around the center of the body, you can prevent injury, decrease postural dysfunction and move with freedom and ease.